Monday, September 16, 2013

Cultural Must-Sees in Bangkok

I arrived back in BKK sometime during the morning - the bus ride had been ok, but still I felt tired and it was already hot again. With my heavy backpack I sat down at the bus station in between other tired looking Thais, mostly men, looking at me puzzled and probably wondering what I was doing here. Well - this was the only empty seat I had found. About every other minute I was asked, whether I needed a taxi ... no, I just wanted to sit here. Until I decided someone looked nicely enough to get into a car with ... Luckily I had booked a hotel in advance and when I got there, I could rest a bit, before meeting up with Martin and discovering the cultural highlights of Bangkok.

Which proofed not to be the easiest thing in the world:
- First no TukTuk wanted to take us to the Great Palace - Wat Phra Kaeo.
- Second every TukTuk driver told us, the palace was closed today.
- Third a guide took my travel guide and showed us on the map, where we should go instead (lucky buddha) - he took my pen as well and drew it into the map. But he would not lead us the way to the palace.
- Fourth the entrance we got to was closed, i.e. protected by some armed men.

Finally we got in and could enjoy all the beauty and the tons of gold:

Wat Arun

Wat Pho

Enjoying delicious street food in between

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